Sunday, November 11, 2012

Story Roughs

Right now I am in the middle of about six stories. What I'm doing is just writing for fun trying to get down as many story roughs as possible. By story roughs I mean just what comes to mind for a story from beginning to end as far as I can go. Sometimes a description or an action scene is written sometimes just outlined. But I am pushing through as far as I can go, usually to an end. None of these stories will remain the same. Most will have different endings and beginnings.

At one point I ran out of story ideas and started writing scenes that might be useful. Before I finished the first scene, a story rough had popped out from it.

For all of these I'm using a basic set of my characters throwing in new ones as needed. It is fun. For me, writing these for-my-eyes-only stories has broken down the barrier to daily writing.


Lynette said...

That sounds a good idea, Jim, if it gets you writing. If you are on Facebook I run a small group there for writers where we post our work and encourage one another. You are welcome to join us. You can find me as 'Lyn Evans' and I'll add you to the group. Let me know. :)

Jim said...

Thanks! That must be quite a good group. It would be an honor to be part of it.

My fear is that I'm not anywhere near the writer you are and may not be able to hold up my part.

But how can I pass up such an opportuniy? Yes! Not yet on Facebook but will get on.

Thanks, jim