Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Novel update

The last of ten agents queried has responded with a very nice rejection. But a rejection is a rejection is a rejection; it still isn't much fun.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Simner, Walker, and Yanique

Simner, Walker, and Yanique are potential PWW2015 writers that you could get to read your work. I've already posted on some others.

The mix of authors, poets, and agents is always very interesting. The choices sometimes are very difficult, but rest assured, you can't make a wrong choice.

My only advice is: Don't miss Nancy Mairs.

Simner has an interesting web site:


PWW2015 is coming up rapidly. If you want someone to comment one-on-one on your work, you don't have much time to get in. Just ten days or two weeks.

Meg Files and her team put on an excellent workshop. For more information on Pima Writers' Workshop 2015 to be held May 28-31 at Pima Community College in Tucson contact Meg Files.
520-206-6084              or