Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Sometimes I wonder if I am cut out to be a writer. Everything and anything seems to distract me from writing. This time it is other writing and revision work. At least it is other writing. But it is also the phone, painting, politics, the car, the yard, the laundry, the dishes, shopping, reading, the stock market, and, yes, even reviewing calculus. I like writing --- really I like the results of writing more than the writing. Sitting down and getting started seems to be my block. I believe that establishing a regular time (not that I can't write at other times) is what I need to do, but my core personality rebels against the regular, the routine, the repetitious. This blog was an attempt to get myself in a pattern, a writing routine. I think it helps but it hasn't been a sure cure.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day 12

Day 12
Free write was on people walking. For five minutes it was a good warm up for the next twenty minutes continuing the story. At this point I wonder about the quality of the writing. Sheer stubbornness and determination makes me stumble ahead.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day #11

Day 11
Fell out of the routine and tried to force myself to write late at night and just fell asleep writing. I guess for me maybe writing something daily is needed even if that something is just a scribble somewhere on a slip of paper.

The five minute free write inspiration was staring at purple for about a minute. It is amazing that I didn't fall asleep then for, as with the other colors, my mind was easily blanked. The five minutes free write did not go well.

Day 11 regular write was to continue with the story. It just wasn't coming but I hadn't written in so long that I pushed ahead maybe writing for six or seven minutes before falling asleep. If the writer falls asleep while writing it, how can the reader be expected to stay awake while reading it?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day 10

Day 10

Free write for Day 10 was five minutes of writing whatever came to mind when eyes were mentioned.

Day 10 for the twenty minute write was start the story. A short story of about 2500 words or about ten pages is the target.

Before you do that it is essential that you know your character. I suggest now using one of many character question lists out there. A very good one is in Lynette Rees' Crafting the Romance Story. In fact from her book you'll learn more than you would ever learn from this blog. Those serious about writing should get her book.

Now I run into a math problem. In twenty minutes, I can write about 300 to 400 words. That means a story of 2500 words will take at least six days. But I have my first three hundred words down just by starting to write. If the words don't come just starting writing about what you want to write and soon you'll probably just shift into the story. Some days writing just doesn't come easily even after a five minute warm up of free writing. Doesn't matter. Write for your twenty minutes without stopping, correcting, or going back.

My start doesn't feel very good. But it does feel good to have something down.