Thursday, February 27, 2014

Chapter 16

Just completed the editing for chapter 16.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Editing continues

Finished the revisions-before-comment for chapter twelve. The novel has twenty-five chapters. Also have been working on sets of three chapters to do the revisions. This allows me to do more. Sometimes it doesn't seem to be the time put in on a chapter but the time between looks at it that produces the most polish. With this in mind, I also have started the preliminary views of all the chapters.

It is probably a good idea for me to read again Elements of Style. In 2003, one of the reviewers for the Southwest Writers group suggested that I read it once a year. Good advice but I have been remiss, reading it only about once every three years.

Friday, February 14, 2014


For a great posting on editing go to to see Putting Those Pesky Edits to Bed.

Lynette Rees wrote  It Happened One Summer, Return to Winter, A Taste of Honey, and Watching You. She has written numerous articles and an excellent ebook Crafting the Romance Story. You can find out more about her at her blog or at the web site .

Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Fourteenth Pass

By the fourteenth pass through a story to edit or revise it, I find it very easy to cut out excess. By that time any love affair with cute phrasing or delicious words has expired or been replaced with hate.

Finished with the revisions before comment on chapters six and seven and getting close to finishing on chapter eight.

Sheer stubbornness keeps me going now as I am convinced that even at my very best, this novel will not make the market place.