Sunday, September 23, 2012

Poor Odds

Sent off a couple of stories. One story to one spot and another story to a dozen places that accept simultaneous submissions.

Looking at the the number of stories that each magazine publishes each year and the number of submissions they get each year is interesting. Then I look at the percentage of the published stories that are from unpublished authors. If I figure that all stories are equal which they are not, some writers just stand out, then I get a 'feel' for what my best chances are. I say best chances because I am certainly not one of those writers whose stories set the world on fire.

Anyway, at best the sum of all twelve submissions give me, as an unpublished writer, one chance in three hundred and fifty.

Of course this isn't very scientific. Maybe most of the submissions are by very poor unpublished writers.

But for me it helps set a goal. My goal now is five hundred submissions before I put down my pen and take up brush.

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