Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Private Journal

It is summer. It is hot and muggy. That's the political climate in Wisconsin. The weather is much the same. Frankly the heat feels good after the winter.

While the contentious political scene is raising a lot of people's blood pressure, it has been great for writing. Ray Bradbury urged writers to write from passion and Wisconsin's political happenings have created a lot of that. Not much of that is suitable for this blog except to mention that writing a journal is a great way to vent feelings and say what you would never say to anyone. So whether you're angry at the arrogant, high-handed actions of an ignorant governor and his cronies or you think all he needs is a robe to be JC, write it down, but write it in a journal, a private journal. What you learn from writing your feelings in private will help your public writing in the future. Write something -- write, right now!


Lynette said...

So true, Jim. Hope all is well with you.

Jim said...

Thanks, Lynette, all is well. Feeling better than I have in years. Wisconsin has nine recall elections for our state senate with voting dates in July. Some may require a primary which would put the final election in August. The current senate knowing that power will flip after the elections are passing all kinds of bills. Very few neutral voters this summer. jim