Thursday, June 4, 2009

Write! Write! Right Now!

Write! Write! Right Now!

I want to be an author, a writer of short stories and novels. This is my journey. Along the way I will seek out and pass along to you the best advice. I will also ask you what works for you so that that too can be passed along.

To be an author:
write regularly and often
don’t wait; start right now.

Writing regularly not only hones your craft and develops your voice but also tunes you into your creative self. It does not even matter much if what you write is good or not. Even the bad stuff is taking you along the road. You will improve.

For me setting a goal to write something, anything, even one sentence, most days every week helped to develop the habit without it feeling like an onerous burden. Once the habit was established, daily time goals or word count goals were set. I found it was easier to aim for a minimum of five or ten minutes per day than two or three hundred words.

I found the biggest hurdle was the first word. Put one down now, any one, and just start writing.
---Jim 6-04-2009

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