What a great experience! At Pima Writer's Workshop in Tucson in May, an agent read the first chapter of my novel that I had sent in. She read it and commented on it, suggesting some re-write. Very helpful for not only did it give outside eyes on my work, but also gave me an insight into the thinking of agents. I was surprised that she zoomed right in on areas that other writers and editors had told me were weak.
Next she surprised me by giving me her card; I could send her the rewrite. Which I did. I had tried to rewrite that part before and never came up with anything that I liked. This time I stayed at it until it was something I liked and completed.
She wasn't thrilled with the rewrite but said, "It grew on her." And she requested the whole novel.
I couldn't believe it! Wow! And then I waited.
But waiting was great. I made the most of it. "An agent is looking at my novel." A wonderful time.
Then came the email saying thanks and good luck. It was full of reasons why it fell short of her expectations -- all of them good, helpful comments that I can use to make a better story.
Did I feel bad? Not in the least. It was a wonderful, helpful experience that I smile upon every time I think of it. Can you believe an agent read my novel!
What next? I'll re-read the novel with her comments in front of me and do any sprucing or rewriting that I can do quickly. Then I'll seek out another agent.
That's great news, Jim. Very encouraging too. I tried submitting to a couple of agents without much success. I have a friend though who submitted to more than 30 before she found one and since then her writing career has really taken off. Her books have been published at Harlequin and Kensington and she never seems short of work. I think the agent's words are like gold dust and should be valued and taken on board. It must be very encouraging for you.
Your words are very encouraging too. Thanks, jim
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