It has been a long time since the grass was white with snow. I had forgotten how bright the sun can get when reflected from the snow.
In paintings light is so important to give focus, mood, and color. Like painters, writers use the light and shadows of both to set the physical and emotional scene.
How does light affect our moods? Is it similar for all of us? Is bright light happy? Subdued light, contemplative?
Some people are yellow-blue, green-blue, or red-green color blind. Are their emotions affected differently by light?
I love looking at light shining through stained glass windows. My favorite colored glass is a dark blue with the sun shinning full through it.
Firelight and candle light have their own powers to warm the soul. Why is that?
It is bright and cold out today; challenging me to be alive and leave the house.
Enjoy the holidays!
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