Thursday, April 30, 2015


Writing success isn't about how many books you sell. Still it is nice to sell a lot of books.
Amazon keeps track of their sales. Under details for a title, its best seller position is noted with #1 being the most sold.

Just for fun I checked a few. The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins was number 8.
Liar by Nora Roberts, #115; Finders Keepers by Stephen King, #513; Blessing Way by Tony Hillerman, #34,370.

When checking out writers that may be at Pima Writers' Workshop 2015, the Writers Buffet lists Cynthia Bond. Ruby by Cynthia Bond is an Oprah's Book Club 2.0 pick.  Today Ruby has an Amazon best seller position of  #3,054. Wow!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Johanna Lane

Black Lake by Johanna Lane came out in 2014. She may be at Pima Writers' Workshop 2015.

More information on her and this novel can be found at

She can also be found on Twitter, Facebook, and Goodreads.

At you'll find lots of praise for Lane. There is no doubt that she is very skilled.

Monica Drake

Still doing my homework for the Pima Writers' Workshop 2015.

Kenosha Public Library has Monica Drake's 2013 novel, The Stud Book.

As usual I get a book by the author, check out their web site, and check out (read the reviews, look at the ratings, visit the author page).

Read the first page of The Stud Book, you'll probably read the whole novel.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

David Ellis Dickerson

Doing my homework for Pima Writers' Workshop 2015.

If you send in a manuscript to PWW 2015 for an author's comments, you'll list which authors you prefer to read your work.

David Ellis Dickerson was listed on Writers Buffet blog as a possible. I checked out from the Kenosha Library his 2009 House of Cards. It is a funny memoir.

I walked into a session with an author who had read my submission without ever reading any of her work nor without first attending her presentation at the conference. For me that was a big mistake. I missed a valuable opportunity. When she asked if I had any questions, I just mumbled a few really lame ones. Listening to her presentation and reading one of her books brought home how great a loss.

Dickerson is a good example. An excellent match for people with a sense of humor. An excellent match for those writing memoir. He has the skills, the talent, and the experience.

But before you choose him, check him out in his books, on his website ( ), and at .

I first scan the author's books --- first pages and last page and then the middle. If interested, I read more. He hooked me on both his first page and last page in House of Cards.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Pima Writers' Workshop

JUST A REMINDER: Pima Writers' Workshop is coming up at the end of May, but if you want a writer or agent to read your work, the deadline is the early part of May.

For more information try Shaw Guides or Writers Buffet ( ).

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Spring Fever

Three weeks and I haven't posted anything. It's true I have been caught up in Spring Fever. While I have submitted my novel to  agents and I have worked on another novel, it has been without a lot of drive, focus, and determination.

Submitting to agents is not fun for me. The major reason is that they don't write back, email, or call immediately recognizing the brilliance of my work. I did in fact get one immediate response but the agent instead of being blinded by my work was blind to it. Many agents in their guidelines say if they don't respond within three, four, or six weeks to assume they are not interested. Others, the kind I would like working for me, respond with a robo response that the submission has been received and get back with an acceptance or a they-are-not-right-for-the-work response within three weeks.

It is Spring and writing isn't the only thing in the world. But I have gone back to another novel that was bogged down in background. It is now moving along at a nice easy pace. I feel like the fisherman who never catches anything but just enjoys the side of the river and the clouds floating overhead.