Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Just do it.


That's what I keep telling myself as the planning for a project gets more and more detailed. Just do it! Background and planning are wonderful but doing is better. One planning workshop twenty years ago told me to "Swiss cheese" projects into little sections. Then grab one of the sections and do it. As a few of these bite sized pieces are finished, a more organized plan will usually fall into place. Planning a lot and writing little? Here's a plan: 1. free write for five minutes just to get the brain in gear 2. grab one of your Swiss cheese pieces and write yourself an email telling yourself what you want to say 3. then write a page saying what you want to say.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Trick or treat time is coming up and many may have started working on Halloween stories. A great blog to check out for help on putting suspense in any of your writing is: It is also a good place for help with lots of other writing questions. Don't miss her ezine links!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


For the last week have been trying to finish a short story. The story itself is already written. Actually a couple of versions are completed. My next step is to merge the two, keeping the best. After that will have to rewrite so the sound and the flow of the merged parts are similar. And then rewrite, cut, and rewrite.

This is the time that getting down to write is the most difficult for me. The story is done. I am happy with it. The re-writing is even fun but everything in the world becomes an excuse not to do the polishing, trimming, and presenting.

Today I am going to do it ........after returning some books to Kenosha (the Nina is at the harbour --can't miss that), calling the shop about my car's power window, and those boxes from the storage garage need to be unpacked, and the recently unpacked flatware needs to be washed. Today those two versions will be sewn together and trimmed...... I see that on yesterday's to-do list at the top. I wonder why I didn't get to it Tuesday?